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Home Lenzen Lens adapters LADAP-C-TO-F-Mount, Adapter for C-mount to F-mount

LADAP-C-TO-F-Mount, Adapter for C-mount to F-mount

LADAP-C-TO-F-Mount, Adapter for C-mount to F-mount LADAP-C-TO-F-Mount, Adapter for C-mount to F-mount LADAP-C-TO-F-Mount, Adapter for C-mount to F-mount
LADAP-C-TO-F-Mount, Adapter for C-mount to F-mount LADAP-C-TO-F-Mount, Adapter for C-mount to F-mount LADAP-C-TO-F-Mount, Adapter for C-mount to F-mount
LADAP-C-TO-F-Mount, Adapter for C-mount to F-mount
C-mount to F-mount adapter allows you to use an F-mount lens on a C-mount camera



Levertijd (weken)

Standard 3-6, Express 0-3

€ 56,00
Prijs per stuk

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C-mount to F-mount adapter allows you to use F-mount lenses on a C-mount camera. Please note that only F-mount lenses are supported that have a maximum lenght of 19mm from F-mount fitting to back of the lens (please check the last image). Our 50MM and 80MM 65MP F-mount lenses are compatible, however if you use our 25MM or 35MM 65MP lenses, you are not able to use the complete focus range of the lens. Focussing on the minimum working distance does work. However focussing on a larger working distance or infinity doesn't work.

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