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Home Software Zebra Aurora Vision image processing software Zebra Aurora Vision Studio 5 Runtime - Multi-threaded (2 threads)

Zebra Aurora Vision Studio 5 Runtime - Multi-threaded (2 threads)

Zebra Aurora Vision Studio 5 Runtime - Multi-threaded (2 threads)
Zebra Aurora Vision Studio 5 Runtime - Multi-threaded (2 threads)
Zebra Aurora Vision Studio Runtime license for executing applications in the production environment with a maximum of 2 threads



Levertijd (weken)

Standard 3-6, Express 0-3

€ 1.099,00
Prijs per stuk

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Runtime License for Zebra Aurora Vision Studio

To run a program designed with Zebra Aurora Vision Studio software in the production, a runtime license is required. Each runtime license is assigned to a single computer or smartcamera. This Two-threaded license works for applications that are designed with Zebra Aurora Vision Studio as single-thread or two-thread applications. Using 2 threads, two imaging process task can run parallel. The license can be ordered on a USB dongle, or hardware coded using the PC identification number. Please note we always recommend to use the USB dongle. If a PC with a PC-identification number breaks down, the license is not valid anymore. If the license is on a USB-dongle, the license will also work with a new pc.

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